Our extensive business relationships guarantee that we can get your part when you need it.
SPROC Technology supplies electronic components to Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs), Contract Electronic Manufacturers (CEMs), and other high tech firms. Our staff of experienced professionals can help you find the part you are looking for and provide delivery when you need it.

Sourcing our extensive products, ranging from the latest technology to hard-to-find components, and our on-line product search network, SPROC has the capability for 24-hour turnaround time.

As an independent electronics distributor, we are not limited to these lines or the associated lead times often involved through franchised channels. We provide electronics suppliers with obsolete components and discontinued semiconductors.

We offer many benefits,
and with our goal to keep our
product sourcing speed impressive,
our prices competitive, and our
personal services incomparable, why go anywhere else?
  • Extensive on-the-shelf inventory
  • Global sourcing network
  • Hard-to-find parts specialist
  • Additional Value-Added Services
  • Maximizing Return on Investment (ROI) and Renewable Resource Management (RRM)
  • Reduce Material Management Costs Material Reintroduction Capabilities:
  • – Rapid access by all affiliates (24-hour response)
    – Scheduled reintroduction
  • Proactive Worldwide Placement of Excess Material
  • Scrap / Donated Material
  • Lot Buys
  • Consignment Agreements
  • Virtual Consignment Agreements
SPROCTECH.com A Women Owned Small Business