As an independent electronics distributor, SPROC Technology can literally search the world for parts. Unlike a franchised distributor who is allowed to source only their own inventory and the factory for a particular manufacturers' product for whom they are licensed, if they are out of stock, then both the franchised distributor and the client are stuck waiting for the next supply delivery or allocation releases, many times too late to meet the clients need. SPROC realizes timing can be everything, even more so when you are up against a deadline.
  • Excess Inventory Management
  • Outsourced Services
  • Procurement Activities
  • Component Engineering
  • Commodity Management

  • Just In Time (JIT) Deliveries
  • Build To Order (BTO) Deliveries
  • Part Screening, Programming, Tape and Reeling & Retinning
  • Kitting of Bill of Material (BOM) from Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) to Contract Manufacturer (CMs)
Frequently the electronic components that clients seek have been discontinued, allocated, made subject to long lead times, or are unavailable. As an Independent Distributor, SPROC strives to supply such hard-to-find and in-demand products by foreseeing the need, purchasing and stocking the products, and being able to supply them to our clients when needed. SPROC will also search its global contact database to find the products elsewhere if the client's requested items are not in stock.
You can depend on SPROC to come through for you in satisfying all of your electronic component needs. A Women Owned Small Business